Service in the framework of the energy labeling

Calculations according to SOLICS (ErP)

For SDHW systems the performance can be determined according to the so called SOLCAL or SOLICS method. The latter, SOLICS, is especially suited for systems tested according to the EN12976-2 (DST-method).
If you have your systems tested according to the EN12976-2 (DST-method), vAConsult can calculate the performance according to the ErP reference conditions (prEN12976-2) and draft all the necessary technical documents and product fiches for you as is required by the ErP regulations.
All you need is a test report according to EN 12976-2, that includes the so called fitted parameters (A*c, Us, Cs, ...). If you are interested, please send me an email with inclusion of the test report(s). I will reply with an offer for the work for a great price.

Management consultancy

The introduction of the energy label confronts us with a major change in the market conditions.
The consumer is made more explicitly aware of the benefits of a solar thermal system. As such there is a potential to reach the attention of the customer and as a consequence a better opportunity to sell the product.
Previous experiences learn that customers like high label classes very much. This may shift the sails to especially the products with high label classes.
At the same time the level of influence on the label class becomes lesser when you are further from the system integrator (that assembles a package) in the supply chain. Moreover, companies that produce and sell complete packages have the best influence on the ultimate label class of the package.
Suppliers positioned at the beginning of the supply chain should look forward in the chain to gain more attention to what their products can do for a high label class. This could well mean a significant change in your company's strategy.
vAConsult can help you with this.

Assistance with the requirements

The requirements of the energy label regulations is complex. vAConsult has developed a special software for this purpose (see Software ).
The software is also very applicable for suppliers positioned at the beginning of the supply chain to assist the work of the system integrator.